After the accident, chloe monkey also forgave his father. chloe loves dad

Chloe, the young monkey, lived in a small jungle with her family. Chloe's dad, who was the leader of their monkey troop, was very stric...

gymnastics24h 29 Apr, 2023

Toling wants to kiss dad while eating

Toling wants to kiss dad while eating One day, Toling was sitting at the dining table with his family while they were having breakfast. ...

gymnastics24h 29 Apr, 2023

A dog that was returned for adoption due to a chronic illness found a home in a girl. she knew how to love her.

The US rescue group Humane Rescue Alliance was once more prepared to provide Fiona since they don't believe in giving up on the puppie...

Anonymous 29 Apr, 2023

This Man Didn’t Mind Losing Everything In A Fire As Long As He Had His Dog.

They were able to discover the fire, which appeared to have started in the room as a result of an electrical short, while Mario slept in t...

Anonymous 29 Apr, 2023

Miracle Puppy Survives Brutal Stabbing Thanks To Her Heroic Adopter.

Smoke is now one of the happiest and most affectionate dogs you'll ever see. She has no evidence of a history of trauma, and she has r...

Anonymous 29 Apr, 2023