I Canceled My Wedding the Day Before After Discovering What My Fiancée Was Doing to My Daughter Behind My Back

The day before my wedding, my little daughter handed me a drawing that shattered everything I thought I knew about the woman I was about to marry. My fiancée was supposed to give my child the love she never had. Instead, she took something away from her that Ill never forgive. Advertisement It was going to be the best day of my life. I was supposed to get married the next day, and everything was falling into place. My fiancée Sarah and I were going to start a new chapter, and Emma, my whole world, would finally have a mother. God, I was so thrilled... Garden-themed wedding preparations | Source: Midjourney

Garden-themed wedding preparations | Source: Midjourney

Emma wouldnt have to look up at me with those big, sad eyes and ask, "Daddy, why did Mommy go away? Doesnt she love me?" That question. It had haunted me for years, and no matter what I said, I could never give her an answer that made the pain go away. Im Anthony, 35, and Ive been a single dad for as long as I can remember. Emmas biological mom? I dont even like saying her name. She walked out on us when Emma was still in diapers. Said I wasnt "good enough" for her, and I guess I wasnt. Advertisement But I had to be enough for my little daughter, whos now six. Silhouette of a man with his little daughter | Source: Midjourney

Silhouette of a man with his little daughter | Source: Midjourney

For the longest time, I was terrified of dating again. What if I brought someone into our lives who didnt love my daughter the way she deserved? What if they treated her like an afterthought? For years, I kept things simple: work, Emma, and making sure she felt safe and loved. Then Sarah came into our lives, and everything felt... different. Sarah seemed to instinctively understand Emma. After two years of dating, her thoughtful gestures, like buying Emma little toys and planning fun outings, consistently made my daughter happy, reinforcing my belief that Sarah was the one. Advertisement I even started to believe she loved my daughter like she was her own child. A woman hugging a little girl | Source: Midjourney

A woman hugging a little girl | Source: Midjourney

So, when I proposed, I was all in. I did it big, too! Down on one knee, on the beach at sunset. It was so dramatic. Sarah cried happy tears, and Emma was there, laughing and playing in the sand, collecting sea shells in her little hat. I thought everything was perfect. Until the day before the wedding. It started with small things. Emma wasnt herself in the days leading up to the wedding. Normally, she was this little ball of energy, always bouncing around and chattering non-stop. But she had been quiet, withdrawn... and it got me worried. AdvertisementA sad little girl holding a teddy bear | Source: Midjourney

A sad little girl holding a teddy bear | Source: Midjourney

I figured maybe it was just nerves about the big changes, but I didnt press her. She always came to me when she was ready. So, I waited, thinking this was just one of those moments. That day, though, she came into my office and knocked on the door softly. "Daddy?" Her voice was so small it tugged at my heart. I turned around and smiled. "Whats up, sweetie?" She stood there, hesitating. "Can I show you something?" I nodded. "Of course." A heartbroken little girl standing at the doorway | Source: Midjourney

A heartbroken little girl standing at the doorway | Source: Midjourney

Advertisement She handed me a drawing. I looked down, expecting one of her usual doodles of us all holding hands, maybe with some extra hearts around. But this one... it was different. I was in a suit, Sarah in a wedding dress, and between us stood a little girl with her face crossed out in a giant red X. I felt my stomach twist. "Emma, whats this? Whyd you cross out the little girl?" I asked. A drawing | Source: Midjourney

A drawing | Source: Midjourney

She wouldnt look at me. Her tiny fingers played with the hem of her shirt. Then, in the smallest, most heart-wrenching voice, she whispered: "Thats me, Daddy. Sarah said... there wont be room for me anymore. When you get married and have new kids, I wont be welcome." Advertisement I stared at her, my heart breaking into pieces. "What do you mean, sweetheart?" A startled young man | Source: Midjourney

A startled young man | Source: Midjourney

Emma wiped at her eyes. "Sarah said I cant stay with you once you get married." My heart ripped apart. "What else did she say, sweetie?" "She said when you and her have babies, Ill have to go live somewhere else... because there wont be enough love for me. Shes already looking for someone who wants me." Her bottom lip quivered. "Is that true, Daddy?" A teary-eyed little girl looking up | Source: Midjourney

A teary-eyed little girl looking up | Source: Midjourney

Advertisement I couldnt breathe. For a second, I just stood there, staring at Emma like shed spoken in another language. Sarah... the woman who was supposed to be my daughters MOTHER was planning to GIVE HER AWAY behind my back? Portrait of a stunned man | Source: Midjourney

Portrait of a stunned man | Source: Midjourney

I dropped to my knees and pulled Emma into my arms. "Oh God, no. Sweetie, youre not going anywhere. I promise you." My voice trembled. I could feel the fury rising, but I couldnt let her see it. She held onto me so tightly, like she was afraid I might disappear too. "Daddy, please dont let Sarah take me away. I love you so much. Please promise me Ill still be your little girl," she cried, her voice muffled against my chest. Advertisement "I promise, sweetie. Youre not going anywhere. Youre my baby. Always." A little girl hugging her father | Source: Midjourney

A little girl hugging her father | Source: Midjourney

That night, after I tucked Emma into bed, I went straight to the living room. Sarah was there, lounging on the couch, scrolling through her phone like it was just another evening. My heart pounded in my chest, and every step I took felt heavier than the last. "Sarah, we need to talk." She looked up, her eyes flicking to my face, sensing something was off. "Whats wrong?" "Whats wrong? Emma just told me youve been telling her shes not going to be part of our family. That youre planning to get rid of her when we have new kids. Is that true?" AdvertisementA woman with wide eyes | Source: Midjourney

A woman with wide eyes | Source: Midjourney

Sarah didnt deny it. She didnt even flinch. Instead, she sighed, like I was being unreasonable. "Anthony, I was just thinking about the future. Its only fair that when we have our own kids, they should get all of your attention. Emmas from your past. She deserves a different kind of life... away from us." I blinked, not trusting my ears. "Are you... are out of your mind? Emma is MY DAUGHTER! Not some broken toy." A furious man looking up | Source: Midjourney

A furious man looking up | Source: Midjourney

Advertisement "God, stop being so dramatic, Ants! I know shes your daughter, but shes NOT MINE. And I dont want to compete for your love when we have our own family. Emmas clearly outta the picture once we have our OWN kids." Compete? For my love? I felt my blood boil. A furious woman arguing with a man | Source: Midjourney

A furious woman arguing with a man | Source: Midjourney

"Youre talking about her like shes some... burden. Shes SIX, Sarah. Six! And youve been filling her head with this garbage? You took away her happiness." Sarah shrugged like it was nothing. "Youre overreacting. Lets try to see this from a different angle. Once we have our own kids, youll see. Things will be different. Emma will adjust." "Adjust to what? Being ABANDONED? No way. Ill never let that happen." AdvertisementAn angry man with his brows creased | Source: Midjourney

An angry man with his brows creased | Source: Midjourney

Sarah stood up, crossing her arms. "So, what? Youre going to throw away our future for her?" I looked at her, the woman I thought I loved, and realized there was nothing left to say. "There is no future, Sarah. THIS WEDDINGS OFF!" Her eyes widened. "WHAT? Youre canceling everything? Over her? That little—" "ENOUGH! Emma isnt some unwanted toy. Shes my daughter, and she comes first. Always. If you cant accept that, then we have no business getting married. Take your things and leave. Now." Sarahs jaw dropped. A startled woman | Source: Midjourney

A startled woman | Source: Midjourney

Advertisement "Are you serious? Youre canceling our wedding because of this? Over a little brat your ex-wife left behind??" "Stop! Not one more word. Out of my house. Now." The next morning, I made some calls, informing everyone the wedding was canceled. My family and friends? They were shocked, especially since everything had looked so perfect from the outside. I could hear the disbelief in their voices, but honestly? I didnt care. Emma was all that mattered. A frustrated man holding his head | Source: Midjourney

A frustrated man holding his head | Source: Midjourney

Read alsoA little balletina | Source: MidjourneyBallet Teacher Mocks New Student, Not Realizing Her Famous Ballerina Mom Is Watching – Story of the DayA birthday cake | Source: AmomamaMy MIL Told My Daughter the Birthday Cake She Baked Was Disgusting – So I Made Her Seriously Regret Her WordsScared girl on a bicycle | Source: Getty ImagesI Introduced My 5-Year-Old Daughter to the Man Ive Been Dating – She Screamed When She First Saw Him When I told my best friend what had happened, he was quiet for a minute before saying, "Man, you dodged a bullet. You really did." Advertisement At the time, I wasnt sure if I felt relieved or devastated, but now? I know he was right. Some of my family members still think I overreacted. They kept telling me I shouldve tried to "work it out." But how do you work things out when someone shows you exactly who they are? Sarah wasnt going to love Emma like she deserved. She wouldve pushed her to the side and treated her like some old piece of furniture taking up space. I couldnt let that happen. Close-up shot of a man | Source: Midjourney

Close-up shot of a man | Source: Midjourney

I sat Emma down later that day. She was nervous, her little hands shaking as she fiddled with the corner of her shirt. "Daddy, are you still getting married to Sarah?" she asked, her eyes filled with tears. Advertisement I smiled, pulling her into my lap. "No, baby. Im not." A teary-eyed little girl | Source: Midjourney

A teary-eyed little girl | Source: Midjourney

She looked up at me, confused. "Why?" "Because I love you so much Id never let anyone hurt you." Emmas still healing from what Sarah did to her, but Im doing everything I can to make sure she feels safe again. And Ill never stop. A cheerful little girl playing with her teddy bear | Source: Midjourney

A cheerful little girl playing with her teddy bear | Source: Midjourney

Advertisement Id remain single forever, but I just want my daughter to know shes loved, that shes wanted, and that shell always have a place in my heart and our home. A man holding a little girls hand | Source: Midjourney

A man holding a little girls hand | Source: Midjourney

Heres another story: My MIL constantly insulted me for being a stay-at-home mom. But after the last straw, I taught her an unforgettable lesson that made her bolt out of the house in tears. This work is inspired by real events and people, but it has been fictionalized for creative purposes. Names, characters, and details have been changed to protect privacy and enhance the narrative. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental and not intended by the author. The author and publisher make no claims to the accuracy of events or the portrayal of characters and are not liable for any misinterpretation. This story is provided "as is," and any opinions expressed are those of the characters and do not reflect the views of the author or publisher. LinkEmailflipboard-iconTwitterFacebookShareAdvertisement
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