NVDA Version 2020.1 for PC

NVDA (NonVisual Desktop Access) is a free "screen peruser" which empowers visually impaired and vision weakened individuals to utilize PCs. It peruses the content on the screen in an automated voice. You can control what is perused to you by moving the cursor to the important zone of text with a mouse or the bolts on your console.

The apparatus can likewise change over the content into braille if the PC client claims a gadget called a "braille show". The application gives the way to instruction and work for some visually impaired individuals. It additionally gives access to long range informal communication, internet shopping, banking and news.

NVDA works with Microsoft Windows. You can download it to your PC, or to a USB stick which you can use with any PC. Regularly screen perusers are costly, making them excessively expensive for some visually impaired individuals. NVDA is free. It's been downloaded 70,000+ occasions, in 43 dialects.

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