Firewall Version 2.5.6 (64-bit & 32-bit) For PC

Free firewall 64-piece is a full-included proficient free firewall that secures against online dangers. Control each program on your PC by allow or deny access to the Internet. The application will advise you if applications need to get to the Internet out of sight, without your insight. In Paranoid mode, no product can access on the Internet or system, without your earlier assent. You have full power over the progression of information out of your framework and into. Free Firewall 64-piece download for Windows today!


Insurance against outer dangers 

Forestall the aggressor to gain admittance to your PC by abusing security vulnerabilities. Shield yourself from a remote access and control of your framework and access to your own data.

Insurance against inside dangers 

Secure yourself, your protection and your own information, by forestalling the interrupted malware from access to the Internet. Forestall that infections and worms spread on the system.

Direct web traffic 

Separately manage the entrance to the system and Internet per application. Permit access to the Internet just those projects, you unequivocally trust.

Access notice 

In the event that a non-managed program needs to get to the Internet, you will get quickly a notice with which you can allow or hinder the Internet get to.

Jumpy mode 

Trust nobody! In Paranoid mode, no product can access on the Internet or system, without your earlier assent. Just applications which you trust get Internet get to.

Unsuspecting mode 

Is it true that you are a gullible individual? You have no dread about your protection? In Credulous mode, all applications will approach the Internet or system until you unequivocally restrict it.

Extra highlights 

The instrument isn't just a full-highlighted firewall, yet gives extra highlights to ensure your security against assailants. Forestall that following administrations on sites examine your riding propensities. The firewall forestalls calls to measurements and investigation benefits on Internet pages, which log the client conduct out of sight.

Contact well disposed 

The UI is advanced for contact delicate gadgets. In this way you can work the product on your work area PC and PC with the mouse just as with the fingers on tablets and Ultrabooks.

Forestall telemetry 

Stop the download of telemetry information of the particular programming producer and the Microsoft Server. The firewall hinders all foundation transmissions of telemetry information of the Windows working framework on the server in the Internet.

Recognize infections 

Hostile to infection programming just secures against known dangers. New infections are just taken after weeks into the counter infection database. Meanwhile, an infection can unleash destruction. With the product you figure out which program move information out of sight and forestall them. So your own data doesn't fall into remote hands.

Square botnets 

Botnets comprise of a ton of PCs that are running a malware out of sight and can be remotely abused for assaults. The program informs you about information move out of sight, which you can rapidly square.

Agreeable mode 

In contrast to numerous different Firewalls, FreeFirewall can be worked with some other firewall in equal. Likewise with Windows Firewall. So appreciate a more significant level of security and consolidate various capacities to their additional worth and without additional expense.


The UI has been converted into your language, so you can get the full PC security. What's more, that for nothing! Is your language still not under the interpreted, so help and decipher with us!

Framework necessities 

Upheld working frameworks: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10. Bolstered server working frameworks: Windows 2008 R2, Windows 2012, Windows 2012 R2. Equipment necessities: 128 MB RAM, 1 Ghz CPU, 100 MB Storage space.

Download Firewall 2.5.6 64-bit

Download Firewall 2.5.6 32-bit

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